Friday, February 29, 2008

Musical Talents

Maya like her Mommy & Daddy, already has such a love for music and singing. She will sing and talk into the microphone. When she was younger and would start to cry, instead of imitating her, I would turn the amp on and put the mic in front of her. As soon as she heard herself crying she would stop and look over toward the amp with a questioning look on her face. Now when she sees the mic out she'll go over and pick it up and want us to turn it on. Then she'll proceed to sing us a song she made up. Great Grandpa (Zander) taught Maya how to sing "la la la la" the last time he was here in the fall. And she hasn't stopped singing since. :)

Maya also likes playing the bongos. Daddy has a real set that she started playing when she was around 5 or 6 months old. This is the toy drum that I bought her for Christmas. It plays a song, counts, and says the alphabet in both English and Spanish. She has just recently started to play with it.

Maya loves to play the guitar. She has already learned how to pluck the strings to make notes. She is always watching and dancing when Daddy plays the guitar for her. Sometimes she even sings.

The other musical talent that Maya has is the keyboard. We have a pretty large keyboard that sits on the floor upstairs in the main room. Anytime we are upstairs cooking or hanging out, Maya wants the keyboard on, and she'll hit the keys and make all sorts of music. Great Great Grandma Zander gave Maya a little lap size keyboard that I use to play at her house when I was little. She hasn't played with that one too much yet, but I'm going to start keeping it downstairs so that maybe she'll play with it a little more.

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