We went to lunch in Baltimore, before going to the aquarium. Maya is so good at feeding herself, but even better at sharing. She has cheese in her hand that she is sharing with Poppi.
She is a good eater. But watch out because she will steal food right off of your plate!
After a long day at the aquarium we found our way over to MeeMee & Grand dad's house. We took Maya down to the pier to feed the ducks and then we played for a little while at the park. Grand dad gave Maya a push on the swing.
She liked it. But, she didn't want to stay in the swing by herself for too long.

For a while, Maya and I were swinging side by side. But she got tired of that. She wanted some company, and MeeMee was there to scoop her up. Maya sat on her lap while MeeMee swung with her.

This is the Radio Flyer wagon that Donny and I gave Maya for her birthday. It took me a long time to put it together. But once it was finished, I wheeled Maya around in the living room for a little bit before she went to bed. I can't wait until it gets a little warmer outside, so that we can go on a walk and use the wagon.